What is Audit Representation?

Audit Representation | Tax audits are common and can easily catch anyone off guard. Fortunately, audit representation, or audit defense, is a service that allows a tax or legal professional to represent you or your legal entity. The state and IRS can request an audit. So, it is important to understand how to protect yourself and your assets with audit representation.

The Role of an Audit Representative

You have a right to seek audit representation. They are typically attorneys, CPAs, and agents. Your representative will gather all requested documents and prepare defending arguments for the audit. They handle all communication and attend meetings with the IRS or state on your behalf. You would need to sign a power of attorney to allow representation.

How to Handle an Audit

The best way to handle an audit is to remain calm and professional. An audit request is notified to you in a letter. The letter will specify the needed documents, date, time, and location. It will also ask that you respond by a specified date. Do not ignore it. Instead, contact your accountant and decide together if an audit representative is necessary. There are cases where the IRS or state are simply asking for a document or two to prove certain deductions, for example. However, seeking professional advice is best. You, your assets, and business are important to protect. Once you have decided on whether or not to use a representative, respond to the letter before the deadline and begin the auditing process.

Contact Ash Wasilidas CPA for Audit Representation

Ash Wasilidas CPA offers individual and business state and IRS audit representation in Whitinsville and Framingham MA. Contact Ash CPA Accounting and Tax Services to schedule a consultation about your upcoming audit or other financial concerns today. Call (617) 462-6651 or request an appointment online.

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